Tuesday, October 20, 2009

no cheesybite , still iSnack.......

Note, I purchased a jar of iSnack 2.0 @ Woolworths last week. (for prosperity?)
. . . No sign of the new Cheesybite jars yet!

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Cheesy Name?

It's now official, the "Name Me / iSnack 2.0" Vegemite / Cream Cheese Spread has now been dubbed Vegemite Cheesybite . Apparently 30,357 people voted, choosing from six suggested new names and Cheesybite won with 36% of the vote.....
I suppose anyone who bought an iSnack 2.0 jar should keep it....might be a collectors piece!

Friday, October 02, 2009

iSnack - apparently not!

The "Name Me" Vegemite/Cream Cheese spread combo was named "iSnack 2.0", ...but only for a few days. Apparently public outcry has prompted them to retreat with their tail between their legs and think again.
Personally (even though I did not like the product) I didn't think that the name was too bad an effort...a little bit web generation etc. . . .
My first reaction to the news of the withdrawal of the i Snack name was to think a certain fruit flavoured IT company had laid claim to prefixing any product with an 'i', but that hasn't been mentioned.
My guess is whatever name it gets now will be fairly staid and boring!
Prove me wrong Kraft.....
